August 2018 at the South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society

August was a smoky, smoky month around the South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society catchment area. Many community members were complaining about the smoke and the affects of it. Many people stayed indoors as people suffering from breathing difficulties and headaches seemed to be on the rise.
August in the South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society office was quite steady. Seeing a few new faces in all our programs.
Community BBQ in Ashcroft Thanks to Partnership with United Way
We had our first Community BBQ on August 1st (Wed.). For community engagement we asked local resources to come and have a booth during our BBQ – Philip Schuberg from BC Emergency Health Services, Ashlee Hyde from the United Way, Lorrinda Casper from Ashcroft Mental Health Maren Luciani from Meraki Planning and Jan Boys from Ashcroft Victim Services all had were on hand to meet and greet people who came to the BBQ. We were able to put this BBQ on for the community through the partnership with United Way – Thompson Nicola Cariboo.
The South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Board Members were on hand to prep and make burgers for the BBQ and served over 150 burgers and drinks to the community.
Interior Savings Moonlight Movie Night 2018
Another event for the office in August was Interior Savings Moonlight Movie Night. It was scheduled for August 20th (Mon.) but was then cancelled the day before due to the bad air quality. It was then rescheduled for August 29th (Wed.) but it was again cancelled due to rain and risk of thundershowers.
Mother Nature was just not our side this year for Moonlight Movie Night but hopefully Ashcroft will be successful in getting it back next year as it is a great family fun event.
Recognition by the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies
In August, staff members, Janice Boys and Yoriko Susanj, were recognized by the national office – Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies (CAEFS) for their 10 years of service. Both, Janice and Yoriko celebrated their 10-year milestone in 2017 but received their recognition from CAEFS via a Certificate of Appreciation this month.
Janice Boys
Janice has been the Victim Services Program Manager in Ashcroft and Clinton for the past 11 years offering support, information and referrals to all victims of crime. As a Victim Services staff person she has been giving emotional support and understanding for the feelings and fears that arise from victimization; assisting with court order information and with Victim Impact Statements; acting as a liaison with police, courts and other agencies; and also assisting with court accompaniment.
Janice provides much needed support for all victims of crime.
Yoriko Susanj
Yoriko Susanj has held many positions in her years with South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society. When she started 11 years ago, Yoriko held three part-time/casual positions – Children Who Witness Abuse Worker; School-based Mental Health Prevention Worker and Food Bank Staff – and once in a while was a substitute for the Family Support Worker. But in the past 5 years, she has held her current position as Executive Director of the agency and still maintains her Children Who Witness Abuse Worker position.
Thank you both, Janice and Yoriko, for your service to your communities.
Fall Programs Starting in September
As August comes to an end and September approaches, please keep a look out for our Fall programs. We will be starting up our Women’s Wellness Circle again and also some parenting support groups.
Keep in eye out on our webpage but also our Facebook page for upcoming groups and events.
September Events
September 5 & 19 Food Bank Days from 12noon to 2:30pm
September 5 Poverty Law Advocate, Erik, will be in the office from 12noon to 2:30pm; call the office for an appointment or drop by
September 6 & 20 Coffee Hour from 1pm to 2pm
September 11 & 25 Family Support Worker in Clinton from 9:30am to 3pm
September 14 Legal Services Society Worker, Ken, will be in the office from 9am to 11am; call the office for an appointment
September 10 & 24 Ashcroft Indian Band Community Kitchen Program